Friday, January 23, 2009


This is Bonnie the dog Sparky belongs to her. Bonnie is very intelligent she is much more intelligent then Sparky. Bonnie is not very humble she knows she is a lot more intelligent then Sparky. On most days Bonnie takes Sparky for a jog down her road she loves to make Sparky tired. She takes her run with Sparky early in the morning she likes to be out early. This pictures shows Bonnie with white frost in her fur it was very cold when she had Sparky take this picture.
Posted by PicasaBonnie all so likes to bark especially at night which makes Sparky's wife upset at Sparky. She all so barks when Sparky is late preparing her food but most the time she is happy just being in charge of Sparky. Bonnie has been trying to teach Sparky to learn her new tricks but Sparky is a very slow learner and also terribly lazy, but she has had some success and they are jumping through hoops, laying down,sitting,fetching,catching a ball,shaking hands,coming,rolling over and opening gates. Bonnie hasn't given up and is very patient even if she doesn't have much to work with in Sparky.


  1. Hello Bonnie, You are very pritty.
    Greetings from Poland

  2. Hey,
    Bonnie is such a good girl. She has got you wrapped around her paw! I remember when she was brought home!
